Polypropylene Leads the Way in Sustainability - Plastic Disposable Shoe Covers

Polypropylene consumes the least amount of energy during production and produces the lowest carbon dioxide emissions when compared to other plastics. Its lower density also means that switching to PP reduces the absolute amount of waste. Parts made from PP can be recycled multiple times in a wide variety of applications before incineration is necessary. When that time comes, it is possible to recover more energy from PP during incineration than from any other comparable plastic. It also flows more easily as it degrades, without cross linking, gel forming or off-gassing.

Both Starbucks and McDonald's have switched to polypropylene cold cups rather than polyethylene terephthalate (PET), using less plastic and lowering their greenhouse gas emissions.

Quick Facts on the Sustainability of Polypropylene

  • Polypropylene produces less solid waste by weight than PET, PS or PVC
  • Polypropylene can be recycled into many applications, including battery cases, paint cans, home storage, flower pots, pallets, crates, composite lumber, and more
  • 44 out of 51 the largest US municipalities by state collect polypropylene
  • Polypropylene and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) produce significantly less CO2 equivalents by weight than PET, PS, and PVC

What are the Characteristics of Polypropylene?

Some of the most significant properties of polypropylene are:

  1. Chemical Resistance: Diluted bases and acids don’t react readily with polypropylene, which makes it a good choice for containers of such liquids, such as cleaning agents, first-aid products, and more.  
  2. Elasticity and Toughness: Polypropylene will act with elasticity over a certain range of deflection (like all materials), but it will also experience plastic deformation early on in the deformation process, so it is generally considered a "tough" material. Toughness is an engineering term which is defined as a material's ability to deform (plastically, not elastically) without breaking.
  3. Fatigue Resistance: Polypropylene retains its shape after a lot of torsion, bending, and/or flexing. This property is especially valuable for making living hinges.
  4. Insulation: polypropylene has a very high resistance to electricity and is very useful for electronic components.
  5. Transmissivity: Although Polypropylene can be made transparent, it is normally produced to be naturally opaque in color. Polypropylene can be used for applications where some transfer of light is important or where it is of aesthetic value. If high transmissivity is desired then plastics like Acrylic or Polycarbonate are better choices.

In summary, our Blue Shoe Guys Disposable Shoe Covers are made of 100% Polypropylene which are non-toxic, phthalate-free, PVC-free and take the least amount of resources to produce when compared to other plastics.

Learn more about recycling our shoe covers here

Go green by buying some Blue now!


 “Why Polypropylene? | Sustainable Plastics.” Milliken Chemical, 2017, millikenchemical.com/why-polypropylene/.
Staff, Creative Mechanisms. “Creative Mechanisms Blog .” Everything You Need To Know About Polypropylene (PP) Plastic, 2016, www.creativemechanisms.com/blog/all-about-polypropylene-pp-plastic.
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