
Save Money on Home Improvement Projects with Shoe Covers

Save Money on Home Improvement Projects with Shoe Covers

BENEFITS OF DISPOSABLE SHOE COVERS WHEN REMODELING OR DOING HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK / HOME CONSTRUCTION Thе diѕроѕаblе роlурrоруlеnе ѕhое covers рrоtесt саrреtѕ and flооrѕ. Fitting ѕhоеѕ uр to size US Men's 11, thеѕе covers аrе mаdе оf polypropylene nоn-wоvеn fabric аnd will help рrоtесt flооrѕ аnd carpets during painting аnd оthеr construction wоrk. Economical аnd diѕроѕаblе, this 100-расk includes 50 pairs of blue ѕhое covers. Protect Yоur Footwear & Your Floors! Whеn уоu аrе tired of muddy shoes trасking dirt аnd grim throughout уоur hоuѕе аnd all оvеr уоur flооrѕ thеrе iѕ оnе сlеаr ѕоlutiоn! Disposable оvеrѕhоеѕ аrе mаdе оf...

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Can shoe covers be good for the environment?

Can shoe covers be good for the environment?

We often hear that anything disposable is generally very bad for the environment. This can be plastic water bottles, coffee pods and anything else that you throw away. However, disposable shoe covers sometimes get a bad rep. Our Blue Shoe Guys shoe covers are made of spun polypropylene, which is fully recyclable!  100% recyclable, non-toxic, phthalate-free, and PVC-free. Don't worry about hurting the environment. Do your part and simply recycle instead of throwing our shoe covers away.  Our shoe covers are actually better for the environment because by purchasing ours, you are avoiding buying other shoe covers that are not recyclable and thus ending up adding...

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Are Hotel rooms really as clean as you think they are?

Are Hotel rooms really as clean as you think they are?

When you check into a hotel room, you expect the floors to be clean, the bathrooms to be free from bacteria, and the bed sheets to be properly washed and sanitized.  Unfortunately, many recent studies have shoe this is not the case. Your hotel floors are crawling with bacteria. One easy and cost-effective way to keep your feet and your belongings clean are to wear disposable shoe covers in your hotel room.  Quickly slip into to them as you enter your room and throw them out as you depart, it's that easy! Buy some now! Learn more about where else...

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Polypropylene Leads the Way in Sustainability - Plastic Disposable Shoe Covers

Polypropylene Leads the Way in Sustainability - Plastic Disposable Shoe Covers

Polypropylene consumes the least amount of energy during production and produces the lowest carbon dioxide emissions when compared to other plastics. Its lower density also means that switching to PP reduces the absolute amount of waste. Parts made from PP can be recycled multiple times in a wide variety of applications before incineration is necessary. When that time comes, it is possible to recover more energy from PP during incineration than from any other comparable plastic. It also flows more easily as it degrades, without cross linking, gel forming or off-gassing. Both Starbucks and McDonald's have switched to polypropylene cold cups rather...

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World Health Organization recommends use of disposable shoe covers in high-risk environments

World Health Organization recommends use of disposable shoe covers in high-risk environments

Disposable shoe covers serve a variety of purposes in the hospital, medical offices, laboratories, surgical, and emergency response situations. Shoe covers protect the wearer from potential hazards that may be generated by other people, objects, or the general environment. They also offer protection to others who are in near proximity to the wearer. In addition, they also keep the environment from being contaminated by the wearer, who may have substances on his/her shoes that might prove damaging to the room or place involved. The World Health Organization states that using personal protective equipment provides a physical barrier between micro-organisms and the...

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